To celebrate the release of our new game, Just Build, we challenged you to get creative and send us your best builds on Twitter!
So many of you sent us your amazing Just Build creations, we've been blown away by your creativity! It was so awesome looking through all of them and it was extremely hard for us to choose our favourites!
Without further ado, here are the winners:
We loved the creativity of this build, submitted by @HiltyPreston!We were super impressed by this superhero build submitted by @03snowflakeMC!This mouth-watering pizza submitted by @jujustep_julien had us all feeling hungry!This fiery dragon submitted by @lilly_entity had us all in awe!We loved the detail in this desert build submitted by @SirUntouchable_!We loved the unique use of the slime and magma blocks in this alien build submitted by @R12Jit!We'd love to relax in this awesome garden build submitted by @OwenSSGaming!This tree house submitted by @Martin82102342 looks super fun to hang out in!Meow. Submitted by @PixLatedboi!We loved this awesome pixel art submitted by @ReWoLTixHD!