Build Like a Pirate Competition Winners

Build Like a Pirate Competition Winners

To celebrate the arrival of the pirates, we challenged you to get creative and build like a pirate! You did not let us down, almost 1,000 of you submitted an entry!

There were so many fantastic builds submitted, and it was incredibly hard to choose our favorites. Thank you to everybody that took part in this competition!

Everybody that submitted a valid entry has received the exclusive 'Shipwright' hub title. If you submitted an entry, it should already be in your locker!

The winners of this contest will also each receive:

  • The Legendary Shipwright hub title
  • Pirate Ship mount
  • Pirate Parrot pet
  • Captain Bones costume
  • Parrot costume

Without further ado, it's time to reveal the winners:

Pirate Skeleton by AngieDuckie
Octopus by FallowK
Pirate Mailbot by Macawoon & Yatoroonie
Pirate Ghost by Mitch6563 & WillemskeJ
Mermaid by Onvuu
Pirate Ship by SpyDave153 & Tolgqrd
Pirate by StressInducer01
Anchor by xMaegann
Pirate Ship by Chrome Villager
Ghost Ship by BrapMcCool
Octopus by AyaDu
Treasure Chest by xIvcn
Pirate Ship by SameerMC1863
Mermaid by sommerkaktus05 & jvstLara
Treasure Chest by LeopardJays & Fracasadoh
Parrot by Mira Luzviminda & ANNCordelia
Pirate by RyndelCool
Shark by SquidHimself
Anchor by talchao & ClownPantss
Compass by VorteXYTZ