Murder Mystery Content Update

Pick up your magnifying glass, it's time for a Murder Mystery update! This update brings awesome new features, prestiging, and 3 new maps, each with unique features!

New Maps and Features

This update brings three epic new maps, Pigment, Remnants, and Chroma. Each map has unique features to discover, including brand-new gameplay mechanics.

Epic and Super Coins

Introducing two brand new coins: Epic and Super Coins! Epic and Super Coins are rare coins that sometimes spawn during the game. Epic Coins are worth 3 coins, and Super Coins are worth 6.

New Sheriff Ability

The Sheriff has gained a new ability! When interacting with a player's gravestone, the Sheriff can now see how long ago they were killed, helping them to piece together the mystery.

Prestige Support

Players that have already reached level 100 will be happy to know that prestiging has come to Murder Mystery!

Who's that... costume?

Prestiging will reset your level to level 1, and grant you the following exclusive rewards:

  • A special costume when you prestige for the first time.
  • A special prestige icon next to your name in chat, and above your player's head in the lobby.
  • A hub title with a special icon to represent your prestige level.
  • An exclusive avatar.
  • 500 Quest Points.

Model Revamp

Many of the custom models that feature in Murder Mystery, including those in some of our older maps, have have received a fresh coat of paint. Be sure look out for the revamped models on Office, Spaceship, Museum, Warehouse and Manor!

You're a wizard, Steve!

We hope you enjoy this update; for the full changelog, check out our update post. If you have any feedback or find any bugs, please head over to our forums or discord.