Treasure Wars Gameplay Update ⚔️
It's time for a Treasure Wars update!

It's time for a Treasure Wars update!
Today's Treasure Wars update is jam-packed with loads of awesome new features, quality of life changes, and 12 new maps!

New Item: Chorus Fruit
In a sticky situation and need to quickly get back to your island? The brand new Chorus Fruit has you covered!

Eating a Chorus Fruit will swiftly teleport you safely back to your island, but there is a catch - using one will cost you 5 hearts of damage.
Each merchant has two Chorus Fruit in stock, and they can be purchased for 5 diamonds each.
New Item: Fall Boots
Do you often find yourself winning fights only to fall to your death? Fall Boots might be the item for you!
Fall Boots are special golden boots that negate all fall damage when worn. They can be purchased from the merchant for 3 emeralds.
Introducing Prestige
Have you reached the maximum level and don't have anything left to unlock? Our new prestige feature brings a brand new way for you to show off your skills, and introduces some extra-special rewards to grind towards!

Players that have reached maximum level (100) can now prestige. Prestiging will reset your level to level 1, and grant you the following exclusive rewards:
- A special prestige icon next to your name in chat, and above your player's head in the lobby.
- A hub title with a special icon to represent your prestige level.
- An exclusive avatar.
- 500 Quest Points.
New Maps
Our build team has been busy! This update comes with no less than TWELVE new maps to discover and explore... which one will your favorite be?
- Beehive
- Sway
- Warped
- Aero
- Ablaze
- Enigma
- Fairytale Forest
- Fairy Garden (Revamped)
- Grove
- O2 (Coming soon)
- Bloom
- Opulent

This update also includes a whole range of smaller quality of life changes, for the full changelog, be sure to check out our update post: