Dev Diaries: Seasons
Dev diaries are a series of articles from the development team. In this edition, we discuss our thoughts surrounding game content and the concept of seasons.

Dev diaries are a series of articles from the development team giving you a raw insight into the thoughts and ideas that go into making The Hive.
Tens of thousands of games are played on The Hive every day. On average, Treasure Wars players will play over 100 games each month.
Understandably, after a while, games can feel repetitive and stale. Internally we've been thinking about this a lot. As a result, in the future, we're going to trial a new concept that has been on our mind for a long time: game seasons.

Many of The Hive team are avid gamers, and we often draw inspiration from the games we play. It's hard to ignore the industry trend of seasons. Seasons were popularised by Fortnite, quickly becoming a mainstay in the gaming industry.
Seasons provide regular opportunities to make significant game changes, correct pain points, implement new mechanics, and rejuvenate gameplay.
Seasons also provide a straightforward way of communicating these changes to you, the players. You'll know when a game season is released; substantial changes await you. Time permitting, we'd love to launch new seasons with a countdown, detailed patch notes, and an official trailer.
Currently, we are planning Season 1 of Treasure Wars. It's been a long time since Treasure Wars has received a substantial update, yet it is one of our most popular games. Seasons is a prime opportunity to give Treasure Wars more love.
We're hoping to add new items, new features, new mechanics, and new maps. Treasure Wars will be the first and only game to get seasons during the trial period. If the trial is a success, other games may follow suit; however, we intend only to introduce seasons on our flagship titles.
Starting today, we're sending a survey to all Treasure Wars players that are level 5 or above to get your input on Season 1. After your next Treasure Wars game, talk to MailBot to leave your feedback and ideas - it will help shape the game's future!