Disco Fever Video Contest
It's competition time!

To celebrate the release of Block Party, we want to challenge you to create an awesome Block Party video!
How to Enter
- Create an awesome video featuring Block Party.
- Upload your video to YouTube, make sure the video is set to public (not unlisted).
- Use the hashtag #HiveDisco in the video's title, and to put your Minecraft username (and if in a team, the username of your teammate) in the video's description.
- Submit your entry using the button at the bottom of this page.
- Your video should be 1 minute long.
- Whilst the kind of video you make is up to you, the content must include Block Party.
- You can enter on your own, or in a team (max. 2 per team)
- One entry per player - you can't be in multiple teams' entries.
- Avoid using explicit music (as this will prevent us from being able to share your video!)
- To be valid, your video must have been created for this competition and uploaded after the 26th of February.
- All valid entrants will receive an exclusive hub title.
- Five winners will each receive an exclusive hub title, and a bundle of cosmetics, including permanent access to the Replay Cinema.
The deadline for sending in your entry is Monday, March 13th at 12am (midnight) UTC.
This competition is now closed. The winners will be announced here on our website within a week.